Dienstag, 7. Mai 2013

Matter Of Opinion | Organization

Aloha All,

Today is one of my other secretly obsessive topics. I am not the most organized person in the world that is for sure! And there are even quite some parts where I am lazy as hell BUT I love getting organized.
Can you tell the difference between being an all-round organized person and getting all organized?
I will tell you & let you peak into my crazy little world:

I love the process of getting organized! I like it to put down a list and I dedicate a hell of time & effort into a very neat list of To Do’s I will kick off when organizing my closet/ my wardrobe/ my shelves in the attic/ my kitchen cupboards etc …
I am a sucker for To Do lists – everywhere. In really every instance of my life I liked to tick boxes for tasks that are accomplished. How freaky is that?
But I guess there are a lot more out there that do it like that & are deeply satisfied when they look at there list in the evening and see that there is NOTHING open on their list!
Hell yes, that is so cool!

My most important tools for getting organized:
-          a lovely pen (of course not ANY pen – a lovely one J )
-          calendar for my bag (don’t like the electronic ones although I have one on my Smartphone)
-          Little book for my To Do lists
-          Colourful pens, stickers etc…

Do you something better than having the excitement of re-organizing something. Optimizing and going through memories and discover things you had almost forgotten (e.g. when re-organizing my closet again).  It is nerdy I do admit that but I can’t explain otherwise the pure joy that is spreading through my body when I start a project like this.
Also there is a feeling afterwards of balance, light-hearted joy & peace within myself when I cleard out the closet again (so it is not only organizing and putting structure into something but also to get rid of some ballast here).
And when I have a bit more time and freedom I will gladly take on a whole room and redecorate as well J
Freaky joy of mine!

But for a daily organization stay tuned – I will let you know how I get my freak on in the daily struggles of life.


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