Montag, 5. März 2012

High Five # 7 ~ Veggies

Aloha All,

As I don’t let any day pass by without my daily portion of veggies (yummy) I have a lot of “favourites” but will concentrate on the ones I can’t help but eat & eat & eat …

Carrots – I was early getting addicted to them as Bugs Bunny was always crunching on one & hands down: wasn’t he one of the smartest characters on the screen? Yes, that’s why I was pro-carrots from my early stages on.  And I still believe that they are helping me + they are excellent snacks for on the go too.

Mushrooms are a must-have in my cart on the weekly base. They are great for breakfast (with scrambled eggs & dried tomatoes) or in an Asian dish, also in salad & in casseroles and EVERYWHERE =)

Peppers – so colourful, so fresh, so good!

What is also a multitasking veggie and always in my fridge – tomatoes (also the dried version for on the go). Love them & especially in summer with some good cheese!

The last one to mention in this hitlist is Spinach, even if there are the old tales that children don’t like it. I loved it even back then – but the fresh one not the one with lots of butter and cream…Hmm, it is a bit like my carrot-memory, I thought Popeye did an amazing job on me liking spinach :-)

Oh, and as I was so good the last time I want to have a cheat entry for this & I think it should be ok as it is really a seasonal thing: Asparagus! As soon as the time for it is here I am all for it but won’t purchase it at horrendous rates later on.


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