Samstag, 31. Dezember 2011

December 2011 ~ I liked

Lovers in December 2011:

Musik | Boyce Avenue - On My Way
Movie | Willy Wonka
Blogs | FleurDeForce
You Tube | MissZophie89 + Vlogmas with MissGlamorazzi, lukeconard, fleurdeforce
Food | Gambas with Cocnut Milk + Curry + Veggies 
Drink | Cherry Mulled Wine
Magical Moment | Christmas eve with my family!
Book | What Wear Where
Fashion | Black is Back + Glasses
Beauty | Glam Nails

Random | Love my Glasses, looking forward to 2012 ... this was just not my year!


Good Bye 2011 ~ Welcome 2012

"Life is too short.Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness.
Laugh when you can.
Apologize when you should and let go of what you can't change.
Love deeply and forgive quickly.
Take chances.
Give everything and have no regrets.
Life is to short to be unhappy.
Learn from your mistakes but never regret.
People change and things go wrong.
But always remember life goes on."

Sonntag, 25. Dezember 2011

SonntagsBrunch Christmas Edition

|Gesehen| Family, Family, Family =)
|Gehört| Gelächter, schiefe Gesänge & viel Familiengetratsche (ich liebe es)
|Getan| Geschenke-, Koch- & Backfee spielen; Geschenke auspacken und kategorisch überessen
|Gegessen| Wo fange ich da nur an? ;-) Raclette, Plätzchen, Eis, Köhler Küsse, Kuchen, Waffeln, Lachs & Käse
|Getrunken| Minz-Tee, Wein, Sekt & Kaffee en masse
|Gedacht| Fröhliche Weihnacht überall....
|Gefreut| Meine Lieben alle wiedersehen & um mich haben
|Geärgert| Nicht mal die Bahn konnte meine Stimmung beeinflussen!
|Gewünscht| Weihnachtsfeeling in Einmachgläser abfüllen und bei Bedarf rausholen....
|Gekauft| Die letzten Zutaten für die perfekte Weihnachtsfeier
|Geklickt| Hmm, nichts!?

Cheers & wunderbare Feiertage

Samstag, 24. Dezember 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone

Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas.  
~Peg Bracken

Nothing more to say except from: Have a very merry Christmas!


Freitag, 23. Dezember 2011

BookBrunch ~ Hector und Hector und die Geheimnisse des Lebens by Francis Lelord

Hi there Bookworms,

First thing: Francis Lelord is one of the sweetest authors I know. His writing always left me feeling like I am outside on a warm day, lying by a small river and the grass is playing around my feet, tickling me.
It is this light hand he uses to bring the sweetest thougths to the readers mind, to help me see the small valuable and most precious things in daily life.

This book is one of the cutest written as the reader is looking through the eyes of Petit Hector (Hector's son) who is acting like his dad (the main character and hero of Francis' books) and writing down his findings for life. He gets himself a notebook and every night he writes something in it, which he learned the day. And it is hilarious to read the sometimes small, sometimes simple & sometimes confusing lessons of Petit Hector.

It is a book for those who have a light appetite for a bit of daily philosophy but are not for the big discussions of moral, right or wrong etc.
Enjoy this book and check out the other books of Francis Lelord as these are excellent little gifts for several occasions which transport a deeper message all the same!


Sonntag, 18. Dezember 2011


|Gesehen| Eine liebe Freundin (nach viel zu langer Zeit)
|Gehört| Ziemlich viel Gossip
|Getan| Geschenkefee spielen
|Gegessen| Vanilla Cookies - yummy!
|Getrunken| Viel Tee (& nur ein bisschen Glühwein)
|Gedacht| Urlaub - wohooo!
|Gefreut|auf Urlaub, Weihnachten, Familie & Freunde besuchen
|Geärgert| Päckchen-PanneV (es nimmt echt kein Ende)
|Gewünscht| Mehr Ordnung in meinem Leben ;-)
|Gekauft| Geschenke, die meine Geschwister sich und den lieben Eltern schenken können (Stichwort: Geschenkefee)
|Geklickt| (bzw. auf Facebook alles genau verfolgt).

Cheers & einen wunderbaren 4. Advent

Freitag, 16. Dezember 2011

New Year's Resolution # 5 ~ Curiosity!

Hi there,

I want to be even more curious. I want to learn something new!
I want to ask Millions of questions;
I want to discover the things I didn't so far;
I want to travel;
I want to see new things;
I want to see the things I know from a different perspective;
I want to listen to new sounds;
I want to listen to people more carefully;
I want to taste new things;
I want to feel everything more intense
& let things just happen without planning too much ahead but leave more room for spontaneous actions!

Are you curious about something?


Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2011

New Year's Resolution # 4 ~ MoneySaver

Aloha All,

what I basically mean is that I don't want to shop that much stuff I don't really care about any longer. I sometimes seem to buy something just because I want to.
This is of course totally stupid BUT it is like I do it and I am pretty sure all of you know this. It is typically for me to sometimes just jump into a shop and hunt some random pieces down to lift up my mood ... wtf?
It might be easier to shop my own stuff a bit more - because I really have enough.

What especially is on my list of no more needed buying is:
- Nail polish, E/s, Blush & Lipstick - just a waste of money as I have everything I need
- Bags & shoes (I am soooo done)
- Scarves! Love them but I have definitely enough
- Jewellry (fake one) ... got so much stuff that I don't need any more

So wish me luck in doing so!
Have you got similar unhealthy appetite for those random things?


Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2011

New Year's Resolution # 3 ~ ...and I say No No No!

Hi there,

this will be one of the toughest I think because I am a Yes-person. If you ask me a favour I will most probably say yes! Even if I don't have time, don't like you so much and can't really see how I can be of value BUT I will say yes...(if you've read the NYR # 2 you know where the time pressure comes from).
My task will be to say more NO on a daily base ... ha ha, that actually might be fun!

But honestly I think I can get some time out for me, get some things straight and won't be annoyed by myself for putting more pressure on myself as there is already. Plus this will add value to the more healthy lifestyle, right?

Good point - so I'll end this post quickly because I have to answer a request for a favor with No immediately - now!


BookBrunch ~ Ich und die anderen by Matt Ruff

Aloha alle zusammen,

Matt Ruff hat eine recht interessante Idee + ein sehr ernstes wie Fragen aufwerfendes Thema in diesem Buch umgesetzt: Multiple Persönlichkeit!
Ich war erstaunt in welchen Details Matt Ruff die Geschichte und insbesondere die Hauptfigur(en) skizziert.

Es handelt sich hierbei um einen jungen Mann namens Andrew (Andy) Gage, der auf recht ungewöhnliche Art und Weise den Leser in seine Welt einweist und mit der Problematik der multiplen Persönlichkeiten umgeht. Das Andy Gage Stimmen hört ist also nicht weiter verwunderlich. Wunderlich mag es da höchstens anmuten, wenn er echt höflich, aber bestimmt mit seinen verschiedenen Persönlichkeiten diskutiert;
über die Zeit, die die verschiedenen Rollen sich mal ausleben dürfen und Kontrolle über den Körper bekommen (liebevoll "Körperzeit" genannt) oder was es zu frühstücken gibt, was eingekauft werden kann, etc. ...
Aber auch, wie man mit schwierigen Situationen umgeht. Zu regen Diskussionen und wilden Ratschlägen untereinander führt z.B. Andy's Chefin Penny, die für Andy bald mehr bedeuten soll... wenn da bloß nicht seine Vergangenheit wäre....

Ein irre spannendes Buch, welches sich auf interessante & vollkommen fremdartige Weise an ein ernstes Thema wagt. Ich bin begeistert!

Eindeutige Leseempfehlung!!!


Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2011

New Year's Resolution # 2 ~ Carpe Diem!

Aloha All,

2nd thing in my list is to seize the day!

I found myself often in biggest stress, always on the run, always in a hurry and then - what then? What happens when I am a bit late? What will happen if I am NOT always there? What if I just lay back a minute and don't struggle always with time but relax more, enjoy the small moments and get an overall more laid back attitude?

Right, this could be pretty healthy and I so want to do it!
Just seize the day and be more watchful to see the small miracles in my surroundings. To breath, eat, live more freely and more vivid...

Let's see where this leads ... maybe I should start with a yoga class...can't be a wrong thing, I guess.


Montag, 12. Dezember 2011

New Year's Resolution # 1 ~ Healthy Appetite!

Aloha All,

I know this is going to be a no brainer and something that probably like 99,9% of all people with New Year's resolution will have on top of their list BUT it is important to me. And I have like really really focused areas for more healthy eating/ drinkling habits.

So, I want to state beforehand that I do eat really healthy already (as far as I am concerned) because I like veggies a lot - they are so versatile and colourful and are always good!
I eat a lot of veggies, fruits and fish BUT what I tend to do is not really to take the time to appreciate my food and that is one thing that often annoys me.
Additionally I do drink a lot of coffee & soda - so what I do when I am in the office and specially in the afternoon I just drink a coke zero + lots of coffee which can't be very healthy, right?

What basically will be my change in habits:
* Take the time for cooking/ preparing food & really enjoy it (no eating in front of the TV/ YT or while screening the newspaper)
* Pay even more intention towards organic food (means also better planning for grocery shopping)
* Drink at least 3 litres a day (plain water, herbal tee) & therefore reduce coffee & sodaconsumption
* Eat less artificial & prepared food (I will try the 1 cheat day per week I guess)

Think I can manage the above mentioned and I didn't ban anything totally as I think this will left me just frustrated but just an reduction of unhealthy stuff would be awesome!

Anything similar from your side?


Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2011


|Gesehen| Viel Polizei!
|Gehört| Harry Potter Audio Books
|Getan| Weihnachtsmärkte entdecken, Schrottwichteln
|Gegessen| Zimtsterne
|Getrunken| Kinderpunsch
|Gedacht| Wow, bald ist Weihnachten.
|Gefreut| Eine Nachricht von einer sehr inspirierenden Person bekommen
|Geärgert| Päckchen-Panne IV
|Gewünscht| Mehr Zeit für meine Liebsten
|Gekauft| Briefmarken, Päckchenmarken &Packmaterial
|Geklickt| FleurDeForce


Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2011

BookBrunch ~ The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton

Aloha Bookworms!

This book was handed to me by a colleague and I was at first a bit resistant to start reading it and giving it a try...but then: I could hardly hand it down and nearly forgot to get off the train on my way to work.

It's a lovely written book about the search of a woman's history, her roots. Nell was adopted when she was a child. Though it's a crazy story who brought her into a truly loving and caring family. She seems to absolutely fit in and even more here: Nell is the one who acts all family & is the big sister for the others  (but she doesn't know that she was "adopted"). When she finds out her world is falling apart and she can't trust her "family" anymore.
She is running away and totally cutting all "family relations"... In the end it is not her who really is researching her own history but it takes her grandchild, Cassandra,  to discover the whole truth. The journey to Nell's and her own ancetors leads Cassandra from Brisbane back to a small village in England.  And there a lot of well kept secrets will be waiting for Cassandra to be discovered...

The whole detective game long I was eager to find out the truth and I felt like I discover my own secret every time I found something out before it was actually written there - pure excitement!

I totally recommend this book to all who thought about their own roots before, too; those, who like historic family dramas and all those, who simply appreciate lovely written lecture.

Have fun!


PS: I will soon read another book from Kate Morton as I fell totally for her style! Keep you posted!

Montag, 5. Dezember 2011

JumpJumpJump - 30 Seconds To Mars

Aloha All,

I was there! Thirty Seconds To Mars!

This was definititely an awesome experience - the performance was extremely cool and so vivid and Jared Leto knows exactly how to animate the crowd.
We were jumping, dancing, celebrating screaming, singing, stomping, clapping & totally going mad - the whole crowd AND of course the guys on stage!
It was a really cool mixture of playing with the screen behind, the guys and their performance PLUS the interaction with the audience.

Loved it and I am looking so forward to Dec, 7th 2011 when Church of Mars is going live on screen. The actual Church of Mars is taking place in New York City BUT all that are interested can join via!

So guys - check this out for a really intense, awesome and magical experience! I am sure everyone will enjoy!


Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2011

Challenge #5 ~ New Years Resolution

Aloha All,

as we are heading towards the end of 2011 I would like to share my resolutions with you. But I won't do it like all at once BUT will share one at a time with you starting on Monday, Dec 12th . I will just post one resolution and why I picked it + how/ what I intend to do.

Normally I am no friend of New Years resolutions because I think if you want to change something you should go for it the instance you feel that you want to.
To wait until a certain date is definitely not my thing but this time it kinda fits and even if I could just include it in my challenges I will tell you (as a challenge) and will further keep the update alive.

So any NY resolutions on your side?



|Gesehen| 30 Seconds To Mars LIVE
|Gehört| Siehe oben (The Kill + Closer To The Edge) 
|Getan| ge-Weihnachtsfeier-t
|Gegessen| Lachs + Scampi auf Blattspinatbett (hmm, mit Knoblauch!)
|Getrunken| Whiskey Sour
|Gedacht| Ich liebe es für meinen Bruder zu shoppen (Umstyling extreme)
|Gefreut| Konzert² + Brüderchen-Besuch = super Kombi!
|Geärgert| Bahn-Verspätungen deluxe ...
|Gewünscht| Ein wunderschönes filofax --> bitte liebes Christkind ;-)
|Gekauft| Klamotten (und dieses Mal nicht für mich)
|Geklickt| Blogger-Adventskalender - so eine schöne Idee!


Freitag, 2. Dezember 2011

BookBrunch ~ One Day by David Nicholls

Aloha All!

Ok, the movie is out BUT I still prefer books. So I've read this one as it was in the media a lot.

It is basically about a nice girl-next-door heroine, which falls for the "wrong" guy as he is just another wominzer. At least that is what you will think and sometimes the good looking bloke is a bit annoying as he doesn't really seems to use his brain that often.
Interesting is that even if they need each other they won't get together until the nearly last second (I think this is pretty real life because hands down: how many people are not aware of what is just so obvious and in front of them...).
When it comes finally down to him going for her (even if it was more the other way around before), she unfortunately is with someone else and trouble is to come...but that is what you have to find out on your own (movie or book)- Enjoy!

To me it has something dramatic but realistic (not too happy-happy and all-rosa-fluffy-clouds) but I have to confess that I didn't get the hype which was created around the book + movie. My apologies for all who are bewitched by it, it is just my honest opinion.


Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2011

I liked ~ November 2011

Lovers in November 2011:

Musik |  Boyce Avenue - On My Way
Movie | Tintin
Blogs |
You Tube | FleurDeForce
Food | Belgium Chocolate + Beer + Cheese
Drink | Glühwein (white one though)
Magical Moment | Getting off the train in Brussels
Book | Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
Fashion | Loop Scarfs+ (again) my hiking boots
Beauty | Almond-Body Cream
Random | Love Brussels!
