Donnerstag, 29. November 2012

I liked ~ November 2012

Lovers in November 2012:

Musik | Mark Forster - Album "Karton" --> It is by far the best I've heard in a while & live is just not easy to transform into words as you can't express the emotions that were felt in this club!
Movie | Cloud Atlas
Blogs |,,
You Tube | essiebutton, 
Food | Sushi, lentills salad, goat cheese, quinoa salad, vanilla cookies by crazy bakers (omg!), sesame crocant snack
Drink | Red wine, water, green tea
Magical Moment | Paris for a weekend! Loved it! But the bestest of good things was the Gig of Mark Forster at Luxor. Omg, is this guy talented!!! And live even more stunning than banned on CD (or my MP3 player for that).
Book | I Am Half-Sick of Shadows by Alan Bradley (an Flavia de Luce-Novel) & Kate Morton ~ The Distant Hours
Fashion | My winter fav (again): Greyish boots with studs, Mustard-coloured bag, short floral dresses & big scarves
Beauty | Kiehl's Scincare (blue line), NYX Caviar & Bubbles palette,MUA Eyeshadow Base,
Random | Looking forward to Christmas already; developed a slight obsession with German Music at the moment (didn't know that there a that many talented artists out there who can do magic with the German language ... wow, I am amazed).

& think of Christmas - yay,

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