Montag, 3. Juni 2013

Sunday*Monday Brunch

Aloha All, 

this week in time for Sunday - yeah! :-) Let's jump right into it!

|Watched| A wedding video
|Listened| Wedding mixed
|Read| Menu, wedding news, etc..

|Action| Planning, organizing & watching a wedding, celebrating and doing whatever it takes to make this special day even more special to my beloved friends!
|Food| Asparagus!

|Drink| White wine, fresh peppermint tea, water, orange juice
|Thought| Woah, it is magical! I hope they like it!
|Made me smile| Overwhelming feedback, lovely messages, new friends!
|Made me go hmmm| My insecurity
|Wished for| Security and believe in myself
|Best Buy| Wedding presents
|Online| kleiderkreisel,  ...


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