Sonntag, 12. Mai 2013


Aloha All, 

rainy, grey-in-grey-day but hej, we are used to a lot more crap by now. So let's see what my week has brought:

|Watched| Flats...I was really on the hunt but didn't get my dream flat (I was shorty before crying..I just felt so comfortable there).
|Listened| 'Just give me a reason' by Pink, It's Time by Imagine Dragons
|Read| A spanish book I can't recall

|Action| Cleaning out my mess (to be prepared for the big move in xyz time), cleaning out old magazines, clothes (for friends & family and some things to sell), cleaning out my kitchen a bit, selling books onine and some of my cosmetics, getinng out with an old friend and reconnect with some...oh, and it was decision time at work...have to do some things still there!
|Food| Nothing fancy I am afraid... this was just a boring week and I anm not too happy with myself!

|Drink| Cider, coffee, water & Bionade (lofe the ginger flavoured one). Oh, and coconut water -love it!
|Thought| Why can't there be an easy way? Why is it always this hard long rad to take and why am I always so darn hard on me for taking obvious steps?.
|Made me smile| People who really showed sympathy for my move (feels like a new life: new job, new city, new flat) & it helped me from going nuts!
|Made me go hmmm|Situation above: Like - am I strong enough to go through all this? Can I seriousy make it? And what is really on track and what to I not take enough care of?
Hate the feeling of getting things not efficiently done!
|Wished for| Some more courage, some more faith in my abilities and some more "pull up the sleeves and just jump right into it"-mentality!
|Best Buy| A lovely perfume & deo creme from Wolkenseifen - love the shop! It is just so awesome and they really have specia treats for every occasion & best is: All made with so much love!
|Online| , online checking - errands for flats, checking constanty public transportation


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