Mittwoch, 4. April 2012

Challenges 2 Challenge

Aloha All,

you might have noticed that I am not putting up so much more challenges right now and here is the reason: I challenge my challenges!
I just want to ensure I don’t start too many things at once and then feel stressed about it. In future I will pause for several weeks from challenges and will continue the started ones.
Apart from that I of course will start one if something incredible special crosses my mind. But just to have said that.

Further I breached with my 1 book a week challenge as I am reading at the moment a lot of fashion magazines & literature and I am not sure if this is what I should put up here ( I feel like this blog is more and more wandering in the beauty direction and I am not to keen although I love beauty & fashion blogs a lot). It is just that I think, that there is no need to start a full beauty/ fashion blog as there are soooo many out there and I am really not that good in it: I wear what I like, I don’t go with trends as I am always stepping away from things all people like (I will wear it years after when no one thinks it is cool anymore). You see, I am definitely not predestined to start this topic.
But still I will bring all of my inner perspectives in this little beloved blog of mine and maybe I will write even more thoughts and personal moving topics on here… let’s see.

I wish you a jolly good time and let me know what you think of this!


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