Freitag, 18. November 2011

BookBrunch ~ The Book Of Awesome by Neil Pasricha


This is a lovely little book, which will show you that
a) there are a lot of small even tiny things happen every day we should & can be happy about
b) that others also go crazy about random things as we do (hej, I don't know anyone who is not happy when all traffic lights are green!)
c) just let this little things brighten your day & smile for the pure joy of it happening to you/ noticed by you!

There is a blog which was before the book was published: and it is a pure hommage towards life and daily happiness!
You should definitely check it out and be prepared to smile the instant you've read the first lines!

For me this book has another important meaning because I bought this book (without knowing what to expect nor reading anything but the title)while I was in New York City this year.
So this has a special memory and every time I see it in my book shelf I tend to smile & dream of this magical time!

Do you have a similar book? A book which reminds you of so much more? Pls tell me, I'd like to know!


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