Sonntag, 27. November 2011

Challenge # 4 ~ The Show(s) Must Go On

Aloha to all of you,

what is this? Easy peasy lemon sqeezy: It just means I want to see more live performances! I want to make more room for awesome experiences by seeing more live performances live. The problem is I often tend to either tell myself it is too expensive and not worth it really or I don't want to take the time and stress in account (sometimes when you have to drive a bit, organize it for more then yourself ...). But that is so stupid because I enjoy myself always so much!
I have already started the challenge earlier this year but I was not aware of and did loose it in a kind of way again. So the challenge now is to go at least once a month to a concert, to a nice theatre, the opera, a musical ... anything but not fall inot the olf habits:
Like it - go for it (if possible)!

So far I managed a musical in Sep, 2 concerts in Nov (makes up for nothing in Oct, yeah?) and in Dec I will join a Christmas concert. Jan will be a musical kind of thing and the rest is open.
Of course I will report about everything!

What do you think of such a challenge? Do you have similar experiences?


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