Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2011

BookBrunch ~ The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton

Aloha Bookworms!

This book was handed to me by a colleague and I was at first a bit resistant to start reading it and giving it a try...but then: I could hardly hand it down and nearly forgot to get off the train on my way to work.

It's a lovely written book about the search of a woman's history, her roots. Nell was adopted when she was a child. Though it's a crazy story who brought her into a truly loving and caring family. She seems to absolutely fit in and even more here: Nell is the one who acts all family & is the big sister for the others  (but she doesn't know that she was "adopted"). When she finds out her world is falling apart and she can't trust her "family" anymore.
She is running away and totally cutting all "family relations"... In the end it is not her who really is researching her own history but it takes her grandchild, Cassandra,  to discover the whole truth. The journey to Nell's and her own ancetors leads Cassandra from Brisbane back to a small village in England.  And there a lot of well kept secrets will be waiting for Cassandra to be discovered...

The whole detective game long I was eager to find out the truth and I felt like I discover my own secret every time I found something out before it was actually written there - pure excitement!

I totally recommend this book to all who thought about their own roots before, too; those, who like historic family dramas and all those, who simply appreciate lovely written lecture.

Have fun!


PS: I will soon read another book from Kate Morton as I fell totally for her style! Keep you posted!

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