Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2012


Aloha All,

Christmas is coming up and I am getting so excited for the season to finally start – I have done a lot in December but to be very honest with you. Most of it was not the utmost Christmas-y preparations at all. The most joy I had with my Christmas shopping for all my family and friends (as always). I love shopping and it really doesn’t matter if it is for me or for others- it is the process itself I adore.
The hunting and circling around a special product, the research or the impulse when seeing something shaped so perfect to fit someone I know.
I love it when this instant feeling of “OMG, this fits perfectly to xyz” & then quickly jump into it and bring it to my “Gift Box”.
I love this box: I have one since a couple of years and I store all my treasures I’ve found on my way. In this I keep the things for the special occasion to lighten up the face of a beloved one when the time has come to pass the love on J
Do you know this feeling of pure joy when the face across is excited for the unwrapping to break into a broad smile when catching what is inside?
Yes, that is what I am talking about – love it!
I am convinced I would make a pretty darn good Christmas Elf (if anyone knows where o apply – I’ll be so on)!

Loving Christmas time! I hope you have enjoyed it so far and will a lot more in the upcoming final days – yay!!!


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