Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2013

Resolutions 2013 ~ Beauty

Aloha All,

I’ve read quite a lot of these resolutions and I found them brilliantly useful. For me as just someone who you after all fell fairly recently into a beauty routine (and yes, let’s call it a slight obsession) this is THE perfect way to start a new year.
I have found so many inspirations around and now I am eager to try this for myself.

I will split them into short posts  :)
So here we go with my beauty resolutions for a happy 2013!

Always clean my face properly and get rid of my make up. (Think I am already pretty good on this part BUT I often found my eyes – especially my mascara – not quite perfectly washed of)
Pay closer attention to my skincare & here go deeper into the special needs. I am only a mid-twenty-lass but I have a string problem with T-Zone and the first wrinkles (because of dryness) around my eyes.

Don’t buy more stuff! Shop my stash (more details on another post)
Use the things on hand & repurchase what has been faithful to me over the past months & years (there are products who worth to be stables)
Come out of my comfort zone with some things (gel eyeliner, felt tip liner – it looks good, I just have to practice)!
Stay true to my style nevertheless

Let it grow and wear if more often down (I used to have it up 360 days a year)
Give it careful treatments
Try new styles (Curling iron is my newest tool on hand – so I need some more practice with it)
Don’t penetrate it with bleaching, colouring, highlighting & heat all the same (I try to go back to my original colour & embrace it for what it is – because it compliments by type so why change it?)


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