Sonntag, 13. Januar 2013


|Watched| LiefeOf Pi - So wonderful! Great pictures & those 3D effects are incredible! Go and watch it (the book is awesome too btw)
|Listened| Scream & Numb by Usher
|Read| Life Of Pi
|Action| Cooking dinner for friends - I was quite excited because it is me cooking dinner and especially as I am serving vegan food only. It is always a challenge to convince people that this won't hurt them ... so yeah for those brave friends of mine (more on the topic later).
|Food| Vanilla soj yogurt, red beet olive-salad, smoked tofu and vanilla cookies
|Drink| Christmas teas (have to use them up right?), black coffee, white wine & Tullamore Whiskey
|Thought| Wow, 2013 started wonderful, full of action, lovely people, interesting news and some light on my personal dark tunnel. Maybe this is not the end of news?!
Change be embrace & be assured: we will be great friends!
|Made me smile| Adorable people complimenting me on being me, preparations for my "perfect" little vegan dinner and a message from my mentee. She is great!
|Made me go hmmm| I ordered a lot during sale time and I am more than disappointed as nothing fits good enough. Grmpfl - those deals would have been great!
|Wished for| Some more time to sort out my thoughts.
|Best Buy| Food. Lots of food! I could cook for an armee - really. It is amazing how I filled up each and every single free spot in my home with food!
|Online|,, various blogs,


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