Dienstag, 29. Januar 2013

Book Challenge 2013

Aloha all,

This year I will again start a book reading challenge. I have 53 books as a target and I really hope I can keep the speed :-)
As I am not always keen to read after going through millions of documents at work (not the most thrilling topics I am afraid).
So I have quite some books on my list and will maybe write one or the other review/ recommendation.

So far I am on track with 6 books already read in this short time (my brain & my fantasy are screaming for food – really day & night)!

Already one of the most lovely books I've come to read in a while are the ones by Tamora Pierce (Alanna-stories I adore). So I absolutely recommend those if you have a slight interest in women adventure, magic, knights's age and a bit of love strugges on a side note. You won't be disappointed - believe me!

More later on. But when I am mentioning this I should also mention goodreads.com --> here you can exchange, study & research about good books, new authors, beloved fellows etc... I love this place as much as I love books. It helped me discover some great reading pleasures - so let's relax, enjoy and browse the site!


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